Nominations of the competition "META UNIVERSE OF KOSYGIN'S FASHION"

The All-Russian virtual fashion competition "KOSYGIN'S FASHION META-UNIVERSARY" includes four unique nominations, each of which is aimed at revealing various aspects of digital design and creativity. Read a brief description of each of them:

1. Artificial Intelligence (AI)
Creation of a thematic collection using neural networks and AI technologies. Participants explore the possibilities of modern algorithms for developing creative and non-standard solutions in fashion.
More about the nomination

2. Digital reconstruction
Stylization and reconstruction of historical costumes of the peoples of Russia. This nomination is inspired by cultural heritage, traditions and folk crafts.
More about the nomination

3. Digital is the current fashion
Developing contemporary digital collections that reflect current fashion trends. Participants create designs that are in line with the spirit of the times and the needs of today's audience.
More about the nomination

4. Metaverse
Immersion in virtual space to create images adapted to the metaverse. This is a nomination for those who want to explore the world of fashion in new digital realities.
More about the nomination

Each nomination opens up unique opportunities to implement ideas and demonstrate professional skills. Choose your category and become part of the future of fashion!
For questions regarding participation in the competition

Email: info@метамода.рф