"KOSYGIN'S FASHION META-UNIVERSARY" is a unique All-Russian virtual fashion competition organized by the A.N. Kosygin Russian State University. The competition brings together young designers, researchers and creative enthusiasts who strive to develop digital technologies and create innovative solutions in the world of fashion.

Competition mission
We are creating a platform to support talented youth, popularize digital design and strengthen the professional skills of future specialists. The competition inspires participants to explore new technologies, rethink traditions and discover new horizons in fashion.

Goals and objectives
Development of creative and professional potential of participants.
Popularization of innovative approaches to clothing design.
Preservation of cultural heritage through digital reconstruction and stylization.
Formation of a new look at fashion in the context of rapidly changing technologies.

Form of the competition
The competition is held in absentia and includes three stages:
Registration and submission of works.
Evaluation of competition works by an expert jury.
The final stage and demonstration of the best projects on the virtual podium.

Participation in the competition is free and open to schoolchildren, college and university students, as well as young professionals.

Why participate?
An opportunity to demonstrate your work at a professional level.
Get an assessment from experts in the field of fashion and design.
Expand your professional horizons and make a name for yourself in the digital industry.
Receive diplomas and prizes from the competition partners.

Join the "KOSYGIN FASHION META UNIVERSE" competition and become part of an innovative community that determines the future of fashion!
For questions regarding participation in the competition

Email: info@метамода.рф